EtText Documentation (version 2.4)


A paragraph indented from the left margin (by either spaces or tabs, or both), and starting with a *, -, + or o character followed by whitespace, will be converted into a list item (<li> tag).

The same goes for indented paragraphs that start with the string 1., a., A., 1), A), or a), followed by whitespace. However the default list tag in this case will be an <ol>...</ol> list. Any positive integer followed immediately by a full stop and a space will do the trick. The <ol> tag will use the correct type attribute to match the indexing you're using.

(Compatibility note: previous versions of EtText required that the <ul> or <ol> tags be written manually. This is no longer the case, they will be added automatically.)

When you're writing <ul> lists, note that some text editors (such as vim) will reformat list items automatically, assuming that you want the text to line up with the start of the text, instead of the bullet-point character, on the previous line, like so:

    - this is a list item. We should make sure that
      blah blah etc. etc.

This is pretty handy, so using a - as the list bullet point character is recommended.

Indented paragraphs that start with term: tab rest of paragraph will be converted into definition lists (this is another StolenFromWikiIdea). As a result, this:

    Foo:	Blah blah blah etc.

Will look like this:

Blah blah blah etc.
EtText Documentation (version 2.4)